
Ready to Print Quarter 1 LM Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction

Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to effectively respond to and manage natural and human-induced disasters. This course emphasizes the importance of preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery strategies to minimize the adverse impacts of disasters on communities and individuals.

Key components of the curriculum include understanding the science of natural hazards such as earthquakes, typhoons, floods, volcanic eruptions, and landslides, as well as human-induced hazards like fires, industrial accidents, and pandemics. Students learn about the factors contributing to vulnerability and risk, including geographical, socio-economic, and environmental aspects.

The course also focuses on disaster risk reduction (DRR) principles and practices, including risk assessment, early warning systems, emergency planning, community-based disaster management, and the role of government and non-governmental organizations in disaster response. Practical skills such as first aid, evacuation procedures, and the use of emergency equipment are integral to the curriculum.

Through case studies, simulations, and field activities, students are encouraged to develop critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. They analyze real-life disaster scenarios, design disaster preparedness plans, and participate in drills to reinforce their learning.

The subject aims to foster a culture of safety and resilience among students, empowering them to contribute to the creation of disaster-resilient communities and to advocate for sustainable development and environmental stewardship.

Download the Quarter 1 DRRR learning materials through the links below.

DRRR_Q2_Mod1_Geological Hazards Landslides And Sinkholes

DRRR_Q2_Mod2_Geological Hazards Geological Maps And Mitigation4

DRRR_Q2_Mod3_Hydrometeorological Hazards

DRRR_Q2_Mod4_Fire Hazards

DRRR_Q2_Mod5_Fire Response Emergency Evacuation Plan

DRRR_Q2_Mod6_Concept Of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) And Disaster Risk Reduction And Management (DRRM)

DRRR_Q2_Mod7_Communty-Based Disaster Risk Reduction And Management

DRRR_Q2_Mod8_Survival Kit IEC Materials And The Philippine DRRM Law

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