
National Achievement Test Grade 12 (NAT12) Reviewer - Media and Information Literacy

The following are collection of questions that can be used as a reviewer for the National Achievement Test (NAT) in Grade 12 Media and Information Literacy.

The National Achievment Test for Grade 12 (NAT12) is scheduled to be held on March 20-21 based on DepEd Memorandum No. 016 s. 2024. All enrolled Grade 12 learners both in public and private schools nationwide are to take the test.

As one of the exit assessments of the K to 12 Basic Education Program, NAT12 shall cover 21st century skills and core SHS learning areas of Langauges, Humanities, Communication, Mathematics. Science. Social Science, and Philosophy.

Media and Information Literacy NAT12 Reviewer Set 1

Media and Information Literacy NAT12 Reviewer Set 1 Answer Key

Media and Information Literacy NAT12 Reviewer Set 2

Media and Information Literacy NAT12 Reviewer Set 2 Answer Key

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  1. wala po key sir/maam

  2. hello po..wla po bang answer key sa set 2? salamat po

  3. Answer Key for set 2 is now available.
