
Ready to Print Quarter 1 LM Earth and Life Science

Earth and Life Science provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles that govern the natural world. This course is structured to offer a holistic view of the earth's systems and the diversity of life forms, integrating knowledge from geology, biology, ecology, and environmental science.

Key topics in the Earth Science component include the study of the Earth's structure, composition, and dynamic processes. Students explore geological phenomena such as plate tectonics, volcanism, earthquakes, and the rock cycle. Additionally, the course covers atmospheric science, oceanography, and the impact of human activities on Earth's systems, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices and environmental conservation.

The Life Science component delves into the complexities of living organisms, from cellular biology to the diversity of ecosystems. Students learn about the structure and function of cells, genetics and heredity, evolution, and the classification of life forms. The course also examines ecological relationships, biodiversity, and the processes that sustain life, such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration.

Hands-on laboratory activities, field studies, and research projects are integral to the curriculum, fostering scientific inquiry and critical thinking skills. Students engage in experiments, data collection, and analysis to understand scientific concepts and their real-world applications.

By the end of the course, students are expected to appreciate the interconnectedness of Earth's systems and the diversity of life. They are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to address environmental challenges and make informed decisions about issues affecting the planet and its inhabitants. This subject prepares students for further studies in science and related fields, promoting a lifelong interest in the natural world and its preservation.

Download Earth and Life Science Quarter 1 learning materials through the links below.

ELS Q1 Module 1 Origin and Structure of the Earth(Planet Earth)

ELS Q1 Module 2 Origin and Structure of the Earth(The Subsystem)

ELS Q1 Module 3 Minerals

ELS Q1 Module 4 Rocks

ELS Q1 Module 5 Exogenic Processes

ELS Q1 Module 6 The Earth s Internal Heat

ELS Q1 Module 7 Magmatism

ELS Q1 Module 8 Changes in Mineral Components and Texture of Rocks (Metamorphism)

ELS Q1 Module 9 Igneous Rocks - How Are They Formed

ELS Q1 Module 10 Movements of Plates and Formation of Folds and Faults

ELS Q1 Module 11 Formation of Rock Layers

ELS Q1 Module 12 Relative and Absolute Dating

ELS Q1 Module 13 Geologic Time Scale Relative and Absolute Dating

ELS Q1 Module 14 Geologic Timeline

ELS Q1 Module 15 Geologic Processes and Hazards

ELS Q1 Module 16 Geologic Processes and Hazards

ELS Q1 Module 17 Geologic Processes and Hazards

ELS Q1 Module 18 Hydrometeorological Phenomena and Hazards

ELS Q1 Module 19 Marine and Coastal Processes

ELS Q1 Module 20 Mitigation to Coastal Processes and Hazards

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