
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences Quarter 1

Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences is a specialized subject in the Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

Module 1: Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences; Disciplines of Counseling

Module 2: Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling

Module 3: Professionals and Practitioners in Counseling; Rights, Responsibilities, Accountabilities, and Code of Ethics; Ethical and Unethical Behaviors among Counselors

Module 4: Clientele and Audiences in Counseling; Settings, Processes, Methods, and Tools in Counseling

Module 5: Social Work

Module 6: Clientele and Audiences in Social Work

Module 7: The Discipline of Communication

Module 8: Professionals and Practitioners in Communication

Module 9: Clientele and Audiences in Communication

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  1. Thanks for the will be a great help for me especially as we do not have references for this subject.

  2. Thank you very much for the marteria.This is very helpfuespeally wrin shifg to blended learning.

  3. thanks for the materials
