
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences Quarter 2
Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences Quarter 1
Personal Development Self Learning Modules Quarter 2
Personal Development Self Learning Modules Quarter 1
Pagsulat sa Filipino sa Piling Larang - Akademik Self Learning Modules Quarter 2
Pagsulat sa Filipino sa Piling Larang - Akademik Self Learning Modules Quarter 1
Disaster Readiness and Risk Reduction Self Learning Modules Quarter 1 and 2
Organization and Management Self Learning Modules - Quarter 2
PE and Health 3 Self Learning Modules - Quarter 2
PE and Health 3 Self Learning Modules - Quarter 1
Organization and Management Self Learning Modules - Quarter 1
Empowerment Technologies Learner's Packets
English for Academic and Professional Purposes Learner's Packet Quarter 1
Learner's Packet in SHS Practical Research 1 Quarter 1
Leaner's Packet in SHS Computer Systems Servicing Grade 11
Empowerment Technologies Self Learning Modules 1-8
PE and Health 4 Self Learning Modules 1-6
Applied Economics Self-Learning Modules 1-18
Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics Modules 1-12
Computer Systems Servicing Work Immersion Program Teacher's Training Module